Co-editors: Seán Mac Mathúna • John Heathcote
Consulting editor: Themistocles Hoetis
Field Correspondent: Allen Hougland


The Punch and Judy show of George Bush and Osama bin Laden
George Andrews

THE WAR CONSPIRACY - Peter Dale Scott - Interview


Bush's Master Plan for the Internet

AfterMath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11.

Logo of the new Information Awareness Office headedby Admiral Poindexter, which has been set up to monitor all telecommunications traffic and digital data in the in the USA since 911.

One question that comes to mind is: what do George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden have in common? One trait is quite obvious. They are each strengthening the right-wing extremists in their respective cultures. Their Punch-and-Judy show has kept the whole world mesmerised for over a year, as the pickpockets pass through the crowd and lift the wallets of the entranced spectators. On Oct. 29, 2002, Iranian President Mohammed Khatami stated in Madrid that:

"The erroneous policy of the United States has strengthened bin Laden in the Islamic world. The erroneous policy of the United States has caused the Islamic movement devoted to wisdom and in favor of democracy to be weakened, and the United States with its hegemony has reinforced bin Laden".

The Iranian President also compared the statements of Ben Laden with those of the United States, deploring:

"A logic which on one side leads to terror, and on the other, under the pretext of facing terrorism,creates the worst form of violence in the world."

It seems to me that these are words which should be listened to. They remind me of the odd fact that while ostentatiously stamping out Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, we were discreetly supporting in the Balkans the group most heavily infiltrated and dominated by Al Qaeda, the Kosovo Liberation Army, giving them privileges. So once again Uncle Sam's right hand did not seem to know what his left hand was doing. As others have already reported, the same Saudi banker who from the start has bankrolled and still bankrolls Al Qaeda, Khalid bin Mahfouz provided the financial backing for George W. Bush's first two major business ventures, both of which ended in failure.

The backing was provided through James Bath, who had become the Houston representative of Khalid bin Mahfouz. So before even beginning his career, ever since the beginning of his business, career George W. Bush has been deep in debt to the Saudis. In spite of the thousands of articles written about them no one I know of seems to have considered the possibility of collusion between George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden.

Yet Osama bin Laden's treatment at the American Hospital in Dubai. from July 4 to 14, 2001, points like an arrow straight in that direction. Until Osama bin Laden came along, George W. Bush was an unelected lacklustre medioire president about to go down the drain. Until George W. Bush came along, Osama bin Laden was to most people just one more Islamic warlord. They built up each other's fame step by step, until now Osama bin Laden has been catepulted to the position of Supreme Chief of Islam, the Commander of the Faithful, and between the two of them are about to tear the world apart. They have the 19 whole world hypnotised and held captive by their Punch and Judy show. They became the world's two most famous people, united in, their detestation of each other. Could it all have been staged from the start, a plan of action prepared many years ago by those behind Skull and Bones for the conquest of the world? The Bush and bin Laden families have been not only friends but business partners for decades.

The story about Osama bin Laden's family having repudiated him has been shown to be untrue, since family members came to visit him during his stay at the American Hospital in Dubai, as did also the local CIA chief, who was called back to Washington for debriefing on the day after Osama bin Laden returned to Pakistan. Although the CIA has denied the story, other sources have confirmed it. It was Le Figaro, one of the best French conservative newspapers, which first broke the story. So there is already substantial evidence indicating collusion, not only between George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden, but between the Bush and bin Laden families, going back for decades. This is the type of double game the CIA excels in.

Another thing that George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden have in common is that they both work for Big Oil. Is there someone further up the chain of command, whose name may not even be known to the public, for whom George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden are marionettes he pulls the strings of in order to manipulate the masses in this way or that, leading them like sheep to the slaughter? No sooner had I written these words than the TV announced the result of the American elections. With Bush now in control of both Houses of Congress, he can do whatever he wants to do. With the the emergency war powers already conferred on him by the infamous Patriot Act, which trashes our Constitution and Bill of Rights, he is now an absolute dictator. He can make war anywhere and any time he wants to. He is in supreme command of the most enormous arsenal of destructive power ever accumulated in human history, all paid for with U.S. taxpayer dollars.

We citizens of the United States have a responsibility here, concerning how all this destructive power is to be used, as it is our taxes which funded the entire operation. We have accumulated enough destructive power to destroy the entire planet several times over, and have put it under the supreme command of just one man, who at times presents symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia and delusions of grandeur. We have just given this man carte blanche to go out into the world and destroy in our name whatever nation or nations he wishes to. We have authorised him to drop nuclear bombs on Third World countries in our name. Instead of spreading democracy and freedom, we are spreading tyranny and death.

In all of its history, the United States has never sunk so low. Never before have we been the most hated nation in the entire world, a situation largely caused by the incredible arrogance of this one man's so-called unilateral decision-making, which consists of treating the representatives of other sovereign nations as inferiors, treating our allies as if they were our servants, and repudiating everything the United States is supposed to stand for, such as democracy and the ideals enshrined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This is a betrayal of the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness guaranteed to us by the Constitution, which takes away our birthrights and then sells us down the river as slave labor for the multinational corporations, who do not care about human well-being, who care only for their own financial profit.

Let us not forget that at present whole populations are being manipulated through mind control technology. Project HAARP has been operating at full strength for several years now, and has both mind control and weather control among its capabilities. As the critics had predicted, look at the changes in the weather since that time: exactly as predicted, but only a few people listened to the critics. Mainstream media representatives never mention Project HAARP when reporting these now almost daily weather-related catastrophes. What will we gain by conquering the whole world, if in conquering the whole world, we tear the planet apart?

I would like to finsh this article with the prayer that the Sioux medicine man Black Elk taught to John Neihardt in the 1930s, during the period when Neihardt was at work on his classic masterpiece, entitled Black Elk Speaks, over a decade before the Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting in 1947, which first attracted the attention of the news media to the subject of UFO phenomena. So here it is:

"Great Spirit! Grandfather! Great mysterious one! You have been always, and before you, nothing has been. There is nothing to pray to but you. The star nations all over the universe are yours, and yours are the grasses of the Earth. Day in, day out, you are the life of things. You are older than all need, older than all pain and prayer. Grandfather, all over the world the faces of living ones are alike. In tenderness gave they. come up out of the ground. Look upon your children, with children in their arms, that they may face the winds and walk the good road to the day of quiet. Teach me to walk the earth as a relative to all that lives. Sweeten my heart and fill me with light. Give me the strength to understand, and the eyes to see. Help me! For without you, I am nothing."

It seems to me that the star nations all over the universe that Black Elk referred to in the 1930s are still there and still watching us, in various ways very much among us, and will sooner or later intervene decisively in this Third World War now in the final stages of preparation, which if left to run its course unchecked would put an end to Earth's long career as a life-bearing planet.

Anyone who wishes to communicate with me may do so at All small letters, all one word.